I wonder just how many folks truly remember all the words to that song.  Or dare i even suggest that anyone would care to dabble into the meaning, or even the inspiration to such a work.

As I sat in my truck tonight I read about the vice-presidential debate. I glanced over and looked at what the news was still saying about the presidential debate from last week.

I guess I am still trying to figure out if America is still standing on we stood for. As I thought about that, I recalled my memory.  Here is an interesting thing to look at. How many of you out there remember the last time, a true man of God stood and prayed for a president?

It is almost funny to think that a small detail like that could have such a large effect. But I wont bore you with my ideas, and numbers. Look it up, google it? But then ask your self, this.

Is this, America still “MINE”  the land of the free, home of the brave,one nation under God! 

Today, I read where Mit Romney sat down and asked Billy Graham, simply to pray for him. The last presidents that had Billy Graham pray for them went on to do the job they were elected to.

To preserve the constitution to all extremes. The eagle is not dead, lady liberty still stands, and America, as far as I am concerned is still,


About MedicSmurf

I am a former NY City Emergency Paramedic. Who believes in God, and the love of our Country. A former US Army Medic who believes that life brings us new challenges, adventures, and downfalls. I look to making them all a positive way to grow. being on the bottom is a sign that life still has a chance to go up. ARE YOU?

One response »

  1. Roxie Knein says:

    you almost never hear the last verse of the song.it lies forgotten on the cutting room floor of “Political Correctness” “Our Fathers’ God to thee / . Author of Liberty / Of thee we sing./ Long may our land shine bright With Freedom’s holy light / Protect us by thy might / Great God our King. It should be heard more often.


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