
Saturday evening I walked into the mall, while heading to get my phone repaired. I stopped to look at something, and being me noticed a couple about to pay for some items at the check out.

Today being “cyber Monday” some crazy things are still going on. And I can’t stop and ask the question. Is this what Christmas is to folks.

This couple had a spreadsheet, and a plastic baggy with about 9 credit cards. Let me not forget the calculator which was getting its full use.

When the total came up, first they made sure that everything was the correct sale price. Item by item they went back through each item. Then comes out the spreadsheet . They began to determine how much to charge on each specific credit card depending on whose gift they were buying. Gives an entire news meaning to be naughty or nice.

If you were good, it didn’t matter to pay with a credit card with high interest. Now if you were naughty, or help you if you are just and added gift. We all know the ones, the office grab bag, or that person that might show up. Then those gifts get paid with the cards with low rates, so that as they pay it off it isn’t so expensive.

But then hits the hard ball. One of the cards is declined. One of the presents on last years charges was never paid. The item was still in the closet. There was panic on their eyes, as the register read that word. As they argued about the issue everyone around watched and some laughed.

Is this what Christmas has come down too. Do we care about the love and happiness that is suppose to go with the joy of Christmas.

So as you check the balance on that next card. Ask yourself, is there any love going into this gift?

Or am I going to personally regret making this payment for the next few months.

About MedicSmurf

I am a former NY City Emergency Paramedic. Who believes in God, and the love of our Country. A former US Army Medic who believes that life brings us new challenges, adventures, and downfalls. I look to making them all a positive way to grow. being on the bottom is a sign that life still has a chance to go up. ARE YOU?

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